Dear Parents,

Foundation students have settled in well at the start of Term 2. I would remind Foundation parents to pack fruit for fruit and snack times and to not include chocolate, lollies and chips in your child’s lunch box, and that your child needs a main meal item for lunch. I would also ask if you haven’t done so already, please send in a box or 2 of tissues that your child can keep in their locker. Please remember to fill in your child’s reading log every time you read and that readers (red pocket) are changed and checked every Thursday and homework (clear/white pocket) is collected every Friday.

What We Are Learning:

English: We have been working in our reading groups doing small group activities based around the alphabet and our sight words. We have been introduced to the red sight words so this term we will be using both golden and red sight words. In week 1, we focused on the letter ‘f’ and in week 2 the letter ‘n’. Everyone’s handwriting is really improving and we are working on not using capital letters except for names and the start of sentences, using a finger space between words and putting a full stop at the end of sentences.

Maths: We have begun this term focusing on the teen numbers 11-20. We are working on counting to 20, reading, recognising and writing the numbers 11-20. We are playing lots of games where we make groups to match the numeral. We are also working on ‘before’ and ‘after’, ‘less’ and ‘more’. As well as this, we are working with the names of the days of the week. Recognising them, ordering them and working out which day of the week is today.

Integrated Studies: We are discussing special places and how we should look after them. As well as looking at how we should treat others. In P.E. we are practising catching and throwing, hopping, skipping and rolling balls. We also did line drawings in Art and will be using lots of colour this term.

Mrs. Victoria Kelly
Foundation Teacher